31 Dec 2017

A reflection and gratitude for an abundant 2017.
Last year I jumped on the bandwagon of picking a word for the new year. The idea is for that word to be an underlying thought in your goals and actions for the year.
I chose the word “abundant.”
A good thought, as I imagined bountiful garden harvests, full days and lots of love.
When I think back on 2017, abundant was a pretty good word to choose… But actually, I got even more than I bargained for. A lot more. So much so that more than “abundant” the word that really comes to mind is “gratitude.”
The garden was harder than normal thanks to the weather, but it was still really strong. We had many products available all throughout the season and also gained good knowledge on what sells well along with what is unique to us. We are so thankful to also learn that even when things are bad, it still is pretty good.
Our days were so full that we would find ourselves crashing as soon as we hit the pillow. But, isn’t that the mark of a great day?
And, our days are only going to get more full as our hearts grew even more love in early November as we welcomed Savannah to the farm. She is something that we never imagined for the year on January 1, 2017; But, today, we couldn’t imagine the farm without her and we are so thankful.
We also cannot reflect on the year and not feel a huge sense of gratitude to our customers. We are so thankful for you. The fact that you all value what we are doing- especially because at times it has felt like a risk in time, energy and money with two little ones- is such a compliment and a motivator. We have been overwhelmed by your support this year.
But, more than the faith in our products, what we have loved the most is getting to know you. We feel like we have tapped into new areas of our community and met great people that we would have never met otherwise.
Your kindness, stories, recipes, friendship, and more are so appreciated and so special to us. Again, this is something we could have never imagined, but we are so thankful for these relationships as they have been the best part of starting this farm.
Thank you for being you. You all are the greatest. We are so lucky. So thankful.
We look forward to building on these relationships and even more in 2018!
Happy New Year!
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