28 Feb Our Four Tips for Going Into Business With a Spouse
To close out February... the month of Love, I decided to share a few things that Adam and I have learned from starting a farm business as a couple.
There are many great husband and wife teams out there in business. In the last year we have joined the ranks. And, of course in Year One of business, there is a lot that we have learned. In addition to new skills and farming knowledge, there has been an interesting new element of learning how to do work together.
Here are four big lessons we have learned:
Play To Each Other’s Strengths
About two minutes into dating Adam, I knew we were very different. This is still very true today. We have different interests and talents, but this actually works really well when going into business together.
For example: Adam is not on Instagram. I don’t want to say that he will never be on Instagram, because- you know- never say “never,” right? But, it is highly unlikely that he will be on Instagram anytime soon.
So, things like social media, blog posts, branding and PR stuff? I take it on. I am an extrovert and professionally in sales and marketing. This is a good fit for me.
Adam is an introvert and has a construction management background. So, he is more into producing products in the best way possible. He spends a lot of time researching new farming practices and tools. He then puts them into action with the animals and vegetables.
But, a lot of starting a business is new territory for us both. Things like setting up bank accounts, getting certifications, working with health departments, locking down insurance plans and more is far from easy so I am glad that we can take on these tasks together.
When taking tasks like these on, I have a “Get it off my list” attitude so I dive right in, make phone calls, and ask questions. While Adam takes his time while we walk through these tasks. Turns out this is a great balance because it gets things done and it helps us have the best understanding of the fine print… which it often seems like another language.
Prepare to Get- and Give- Feedback
Since we just started brain storming name ideas for a “hypothetical” farm years ago, we have been faced with the tough task of telling someone you love that you don’t like their idea. Or worse, hearing from someone you love that they don’t like your idea.
This is hard.
It is also hard to tell someone you love something that they maybe don’t want to hear… about themselves.
A couple weeks ago, Adam thought I had given up too easily on something so he let me know.
You could tell it was hard for him to say to me. And, I won’t lie. I didn’t like hearing it. It sucks when someone points out a mistake. A weakness. It also sucked because I knew it was true.
But, as hard as it was to hear; Adam’s constructive criticism lighted something in me. I was charged and got the task I had given up on done the next day. I don’t want to let Adam down or be perceived as unreliable because as much as I know it would disappoint Adam, it would really disappoint me.
Sometimes we are the mirror the other one needs.
Balance Work and Play… Sort of.
We blur the lines here a lot. There are so many people who might advocate keeping work conversations away from the dinner table, from time spent just hanging on the couch, whatever. But, 1. We still have day jobs, so our “off” time is the time that we have to talk about the farm. And, 2. We enjoy talking about the farm, so we really don’t mind.
But, in the same breath, we still do try to have other interests so it’s not all work and farm. Adam hunts, makes beer and loves to follow sports. I have my blog, calligraphy and volunteering.
And, we know that our business will only be as good as our marriage. So, we work to put in time as a couple. Together we love to cook, reading and talking about books, and snuggling with Theo… and each other.
Keep Dreaming
One of the things I loved about Adam right in the beginning was that he wore his heart on his sleeve. After a few years of “sort-of” boyfriends who made me question everything, he didn’t hesitate to tell me that he liked me. No questions needed.
Little did I know at that time is that my life with Adam is actually full of questions.
But, instead of the concerning, “What are you thinking?” It’s a more inspired question of “What are you thinking?” And, “Why not?” Or, “How could we…?”
Even though the business is up and running, it doesn’t mean we stop dreaming of all that it could be.

Hive and Honey Photography
Do you work with your spouse and have any sage advice? We still have a lot to learn and would love to hear from you!
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