05 Jul Let’s Get Cooking!
Why, in 2019, your excuses for not being "able" to cook are not cutting it.
Over the weekend, we had a great event with The Urban Chalkboard in Carmel. The Urban Chalkboard is a play cafe that offers families the opportunity to relax, play and learn.
Together, we hosted a great brunch where families made their own pancakes. Throughout the brunch we shared our passion for getting families together at the table and the belief that getting kids involved in the cooking process helps 1. Make this easier and 2. is so beneficial.
In Claire’s work with freelance food writing, there is a lot of conversation about food deserts in and around Indianapolis. A food desert is defined as an urban area without access to fresh, affordable, good food. These area’s don’t have a traditional grocery store and the residents typically don’t have transportation. Sometimes the only option for food is a gas station… and normally the food there is super-processed and errs on the side of a road trip snack versus a good, wholesome meal.
What is great is that there is a real effort to bring food to these areas with new farmers markets and more; however, despite the efforts, hunger is still a major issue. Then, the conversations often start to focus on the fact that no one knows how to cook the food that is finally available.
Adam and I, fortunately, grew up far from food deserts and other food insecurities. We both had mom’s that cooked each night and had their own set of skills. We were lucky in this- and many other regards.
However, because of our upbringing and current lifestyle, we know that cooking skills- or lack there of- and the residual decline of the traditional family meal is not something that is only plaguing food deserts. It happens in every neighborhood.
One of my best friends growing up thought “dinner” was chips over the kitchen sink because her super-busy parents were tired and lacked the skills to cook after a long work day.
Even today, in our thirties, we get calls from friends inquiring how to do everything from cook a roast in the crock pot to boiling eggs. Really. Boiling eggs.
Here are two things we believe in fully:
- You cannot be expected to know something you have not been taught.
- However, everything you ever wanted- or needed- to know can be found on the internet, right now. For free.
So many people our age were not taught to cook because cooking was deemed to be oppressive. Our parents saw their mother’s slaving away in the kitchen and vowed not to be that way. In turn, not garnering any wisdom, skills or knowledge from their mother’s when it came to preparing a meal. And thus, having nothing to pass down to us.
It’s not your fault if your culinary skills are less than desirable.
But, you have to eat. Not one human on the planet is exempt from this.
And, to blame your lack of cooking on lack of skills is foolish… and lazy. A quick google search or YouTube video can quickly teach you the basics.
I get that there are things like take out and meal delivery, but these are awful for your wallet, your waistline and the planet. I get that you are busy and that time is tight. I know you are tired and your brain is fried from a long day.
But, I believe that in learning a few quick easy skills you will find that it energizes you. It helps you find more time in your day. And, it may even begin to feel more like play.
So, while our event at The Urban Chalkboard was all about cooking with kids, we are going to focus on a few real, simple cooking skills for anyone on our blog this month. Get excited to get cooking!

Cassie Dunmyer Photography
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